1. The positive news (perhaps) recent media reports the Reserve Bank indicates recession is over, saying its “best guess” is Australia’s economy will grow in the September quarter, ending the recession.
2. Low interest rates, upward pressure on rents due to record low vacancy rates and a host of government grants on offer are just a few of the market forces fuelling strong sales activity in the Far North. Recent reports indicate that it’s now cheaper to buy a property than it is to rent in Cairns.
3. Preparing for the wet/cyclone season - Cairns Council has some excellent online resources to help make sure you weather the upcoming weather successfully. Download their FREE emergency checklist here.
4. The Council FREE GREEN WASTE DROP-OFF (Sat 21 Nov until Sun 29 Nov) enables residents to drop their domestic green waste at any Council waste transfer station. Be prepared this cyclone season!
Daniel Sheehan - selling real estate properly for you.
0409 265 326